
Out Here in the Middle

Faith, Cycling, Health, Music, Culture


Jason Kearney talks too much, but at least he has turned this into a way of life. He is a school teacher, pastor, husband, dad, granddad, cyclist, guitarist, who is fighting MS alongside his best friend and best dog friend.


A blog is a great way to help people. Specifically, this blog is designed to encourage people, to challenge them to be better.


Why, indeed. Because I can? I can’t answer the why for you. All I can do is put this out there, but you have to do the rest. It is on this site that I vent. If I have nothing to vent about, this will be my journal as I strive to maintain the ninety or so pounds that I lost, or the latest cycling stuff I’m using, or the newest song I learned. You just never know.

The one who tells the stories rules the world.

Hopi proverb

About Us

No one is quite sure what motivates us to pay our hard-earned money to publish a web site just so the world has one more middle-aged white guy ranting about what is wrong with everyone ever.

But here we are.

Get In Touch

  • jason@jasonkearney.net

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Yeah, right. Did you really think we would put an address in right here? That’s rich.

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